A sampling of Fiber Art at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center
Annmarie After Hours Opening - Friday, March 18, 2016, 6-9pm
This exhibit assembles a vibrant and diverse selection of works that reflect the best of contemporary fiber and textile art, from works that embrace innovative materials, forms, and processes, to those that celebrate the history of this art form. Juried by internationally recognized expert, Renate Maile-Moskowitz, THREADS will thrill guests with its colors, textures, and designs.
Juror: Renate Maile-Moskowitz, International Fiberart Pedagogue, Historian, Consultant, Artist
Contributing Artist(s):
Blair Martin Cahill, Susan Aaron-Taylor, Lynda Andrews-Barry, Jill Ault, Gabrielle Aydnwylde, Sue Banning, Susan Berger, Marie Bergstedt, Frid Branham, Monica Chulewicz, Peggy Cox, Carrie Dickason, Barb Butler, Karen Donde, Kathie Roig, Eileen Doughty, Lynn Doyal, Arnika Eskeland, Liz Fay, Carrie Lee Gissiner, Clara Graves, Judith Gunter, Marcia Haffmans, Jean judd, Elaine Katz, Allison Korb, Kathryn Kosto, Mickey Kunkle, George Laufert, Pamela MacGregor, Tamryn McDermott, Jacquline Mehring, Lenore Mills, David Mooney, Olivia Morrow, Chirs Motley, Dominie Nash, Hannah O’Brien, Tea Okropiridze, J.Luray Schaffner, Jenny Schu, Rowen Schussheim-Anderson, Deborah Silver, Adrienne Sloane, Ashley Smith, Peeta Tinay, Steve Totin, Betty Usdan Zwickler, Amy Veach, Michael Weaver, Barbara Weber, Doerte Weber, Barbara Wester, Shea Wilkinson, Peggy Wyman